Soldier’s Wish is on the move again. Soldier’s Wish received a benevolent request from the United States Special Operations Command Care Coalition located at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. This request was on behalf of SFC (R) Stephen Loehr. Stephen is a wounded Special Operations Veteran who was medically retired from the Army due to wounds received in combat. Loehr’s last injury he received was severe enough that he had to be medically retired. As a result of his wounds, he had to have half of his right hand removed. Due to the nerve damage and sensitivity in his hand and arm, the bike was set-up so he could rest his forearms on the bike and not have to steer with his hands. Loehr is a competitor and does not give up. He knew he had to stay in shape to help with his injuries. He now competes in triathlons and desperately needed a road bike for competition. Soldier’s Wish stepped in to assist this Hero with his request from the Care Coalition. On 10 Jan 2019, Soldier’s Wish, with the help of the “Names Family Foundation” and in conjunction with the “Bikes and Moore” bicycle shop in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, a High Speed-Low Drag bike was Wished to SFC (R) Loehr. The bike looked like it was going 60 miles an hour standing still. Steve, thank you for your service to our great nation and along with the “Names Family Foundation,” we hope the best for you in your competitions. Special thanks to Tim Moore, Owner, Bennie J., Jimmy L., and the many others in the shop and to a great friend of mine for attending, CW4 (R) Chuck G. and his wife Darlene. L-R. Stephen, Tim Moore (Owner), Chuck, Mark, Jimmy, Bennie. Darlene took the pictures. ... | By Sue Woodard   In October 2016, Subway restaurants in Southeast Texas partnered with Soldier’s Wish to support our nation’s troops and military families. The plan was dependent on the generosity of Subway customers, who added their chosen dollar amount to their purchase price whenever they bought at Subway. The residents of Southeast Texas did not disappoint. On Tues., March 7, Subway store owner, Robert Peters, and Soldier’s Wish granted the wish of Kountze resident Sterling Keith, who gave more than 30 years of his life to serving his country and his family.  ...

Kevin Jensen is a U.S. Army veteran, and he is also a Purple Heart recipient. He and his family live in Hempstead, Texas. During the floods of 2016, Jensen’s home was destroyed when water came in through the roof.  When insurance came to check for damages, they ripped the home apart even further. Then the family was left to put it all back together again. Soldier’s Wish, with the help of Subway, presented this brave soldier with a $5,000 gift card to Lowes to help rebuild the family’s home. Now they can afford to make some much needed repairs and will be able to return to their lives faster than they would if they were left to rebuild on their own. We thank Jensen for his dedication to his country, and we are proud to help in his family’s time of need  ...

Nephi Escobar currently serves in the Kansas Army National Guard. He is also a psychology major at Wichita State University. He has endured many hardships over the past year, including a death in the family.  When his schoolwork computer stopped working, replacing it was not an option. His family had no extra money to help due to the fact that they have a child whose disabilities drain their bank accounts.  Soldier’s Wish and Subway stepped in to help this soldier with his burden. We replaced his computer with a new one so that he can continue his studies. This hardworking soldier deserves a fair shot at his education, and we are glad that we could provide it.  ...

In December USAF Staff Sergeant Lee Saari was granted emergency leave to return to the States to visit his grandfather who was very ill. While SSgt. Saari was home, a tragic fire completely destroyed the family home. While Lee, his wife Jessica and their children were not injured, they lost everything. To make matters worse, SSgt. Saari had to return to Okinawa, Japan almost immediately, with the heartbreaking burden of knowing his family was facing finding a new home at Christmas. Soldier’s Wish and Subway stepped in to help this family. In less than a week after receiving the call, Soldier’s Wish met the family at Subway to present them the gifts of taking care of the utility deposits, as well as the deposit on their new home. Metro Appliances helped provide new appliances for their new home. By stepping up to help this family during one of the most difficult times of their lives, we have removed at least part of the heavy burden so that they can have a little peace of mind this Christmas Season.  ...

Zach Browers was hurt during a mission overseas in 2007 where his spine was shattered by the wing of a plane. He suffers serious nerve damage over half his body, making it hard to walk, even in his own home. Concerned for his safety and mobility in their home bathroom that’s barely accessible, Brower’s wife Pam contacted Soldier’s Wish about Zach’s needs. Soldier’s Wish surprised the retired Navy Chief during what he thought was going to be a quick lunch at Subway®. It was a Veterans Day surprise Browers never expected. We surprised Zach with a complete bathroom remodel that would make it both safe and accessible for this wounded Hero. Now, Browers, known for helping others more than himself, is nally getting some of the much-needed thanks in return.  ...

SSgt Guadalupe Payne joined the Oklahoma Air National Guard in 1983 and separated in 1992 after nine years of service as an Information Specialist in the Air Force. She and her husband currently reside in Oklahoma. Sadly, Guadalupe’s husband has been ill for a long while. Medical bills began to pile up and the couple fell upon tough times financially. They lost their house, and they lost their car. Her husband is now in a nursing home, and she has not had a car since July of 2016. Thanks to Soldier’s Wish and Subway, we were able to present this deserving soldier with a car, so that she can visit her husband and go to work. Guadalupe was nominated for a wish by her mother and was presented the wish at the annual Bixby BBQ Festival in Bixby, Oklahoma on the Soldier’s Wish stage. We thank this brave soldier for her sacrifice....

Byron Ruffin is a Vietnam veteran from Biloxi, Mississippi. Very recently, he fell upon hard times and was rendered homeless. For someone who has given so much to our country, it is heartbreaking that this is the reality that these brave soldiers face. Fortunately for Ruffin, he has had the support of his local American Legion Post. They have been helping him out with his recent misfortunes and have helped him settle into a new living situation. Soldier’s Wish and Subway have stepped in to grant him a $1,500 Walmart gift card so that he can buy the things he needs for this next chapter of his life. Thanks to Soldier’s Wish, Subway, and The American Legion, this veteran can live safe and off of the streets. We appreciate everything he has given for our freedoms.  ...

Byron Ruffin is a Vietnam veteran from Biloxi, Mississippi. Very recently, he fell upon hard times and was rendered homeless. For someone who has given so much to our country, it is heartbreaking that this is the reality these brave soldiers face. Fortunately for Ruffin, he has had the support of his local American Legion Post. They have been helping him out with his recent misfortunes and have helped him settle into a new living situation. Soldier’s Wish and Subway have stepped in to grant him a $1,500 Walmart gift card so that he can buy the things he needs for this next chapter of his life. Thanks to Soldier’s Wish, Subway, and The American Legion, this veteran can live safely and off of the streets. We appreciate everything he has given for our freedoms....

SSG James Mote has served his country and is now in the process of completing his education. Both he and his son are in college, and they have both been faced with the hardships of not having computers to do their studies. Mote’s wife developed a strong form of cancer that she is still battling. His son also developed the same kind of cancer and is in remission. Both of their cases have caused a large number of medical bills to pile up, so when Mote’s computer broke, there was no way for him to replace it. Soldier’s Wish and Subway stepped forward to provide both soldiers with a new computer. Now they can both continue their education together. Thank you, SSG Mote, for your service....

Soldier's Wish